Mas. Fulva ; caput nigro
maculatum et septem strigatum, albido quadri-
strigatum, fastigio longi-conico, sulcis
lateralibus latis triangulari-
bus, fronte nigro guttata ; antennae nigricantes,
subplanae, fulvo
fasciatae ; prothorax brevis, subtuberculatus,
nigro quadrivittatus ;
pectus nigro maculatum, venter e guttis nigris,
quadrilineatum ; femora
postica extus nigricante
unistrigata, intus nigricante bifasciata ;
tibiae posticae fuscae, albido bifasciatae ; alae
anticae cinereae, plagis
duabus obscure fuscis, plagis tribus exterioribus
pallide fuscis, guttis
marginalibus nigris ; alae posticae diaphanae,
nigricante lato marginatae,
basi pallide flavae.
Male. Tawny. Head with
seven black streaks extending to the hind
border and with some black spots on the vertex ;
two whitish streaks on
each side, the outer pair extending along the
sides of the prothorax ; tip of
the vertex depressed, elongate-conical ; lateral
furrows broad, triangular ;
front erect, with some black dots and with four
strongly-marked diverging
keels ; inner keels continuous to the tip of the
vertex. Antennae blackish,
slightly flattened, with some dingy tawny bands.
Prothorax short, with a
slight middle keel and with distinct transverse
furrows ; a few tubercles ;
four very irregular black stripes ; hind border
elongated, angular. Pectus
with a few black spots. Abdomen with four rows of
black dots beneath.
Hind femora a little longer than the abdomen,
with a broad blackish streak
on the outer side, with two irregular blackish
bands on the inner side, and
with a few black dots beneath ; hind tibiae
brown, with two whitish bands ;
spines with black tips. Fore wings cinereous,
with two dark brown patches
and with three exterior pale brown patches ; a
row of black dots along the
hind border and along the exterior part of the
costa ; costa slightly rounded
near the base. Hind wings pellucid, broadly
blackish and with black veins
along the exterior border, pale yellow and with
bright yellow veins towards
the base. Length of the body 7 lines ; expansion
of the fore wings
16 lines.
a. West Africa. From Mr.
Turner's collection.