Faem. Fulva; caput et
prothorax vittis duabus viridibus nigricante
rnarginatis ; vertex antice prominulus, vix
carinatus ; antennae
pallide luteae ; prothorax subtricarinatus ;
prosterni spina crassa,
subarcuata, mesosternum fere attingens ; tibiae
posticae glauco-virides,
spinis albis apice nigris ; alae anticae virides,
abdomini œquilongae,
guttis plurimis fuscis nigro venosis ; alae
anticae diaphanae, pallido
Female. Tawny. Head and
prothorax with two green blackish-bor-
dered stripes. Head thinly punctured ; fore part
of the vertex prominent,
and with a very slight keel ; front hardly
keeled. Eyes piceous, elliptical.
Antennae pale luteous. Prothorax scabrous, with
three very slight keels and
with the usual four transverse impressed lines ;
fore border rounded ; sides
slightly undulating ; hind border nearly
straight. ProsternaI spine thick,
oblique, slightly curved, extending nearly to tbe
mesosternum. Hind
femora longer than the abdomen and than the hind
tibiae ; the latter
glaucous-green, their spines white with black
tips. Fore wings green, as
long as the abdomen, with many brown black-veined
dots ; veins elsewhere
pale. Hind wings pellucid ; veins more or less
pale. Length of the body
25-27 lines ; expansion of the fore wings 28-32
a, b. Sierra Leone.
Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
Var. ? Mas. Testacea,
gracilis ; caput et prothorax ferrugineo late
vittata, piceo late bivittata ; fastigium
longi-conicum ; prothorax
subtricarinatus ; prosterni spina pallide
testacea, crassa, obliqua,
mesosternum attingens ; femora postica extus
nigro vittata, intus
nigro triplagiata ; tibiae posticae rufae ; alae
anticae cinereae, corpori
aequilongae, vitta postica testacea.
Male. Testaceous,
sIender. Head and protborax with two broad
piceous stripes, and with a broad ferruginous
stripe which is attenuated in
the fore part of the former. Head smooth ; tip of
the vertex flat, elongate-
conical ; front thinly puctured ; keels
strongly marked ; inner keels parallel ;
outer keels slightly diverging towards the face.
Eyes nearly elliptical.
Prothorax with three slight keels, and with
well-defined transverse im-
pressed lines ; fore border straight ; sides
slightly rounded ; bind border
more rounded. ProsternaI spine
pale testaceous, thick, oblique, extending
to the mesosternum. Hind femora as long as the
abdomen, with a black
stripe on the outer side and with three black
patches on the inner side ;
hind tibiae red, a little shorter than the hind
femora ; spines black, red at
the base. Fore wings cinereous, as long as the
body, with a testaceous
pale-veined stripe near the interior border ;
veins elsewhere ferruginous.
Hind wings pellucid ; veins mostly black. Length
of the body 12 lines ;
expansion of the fore wings 26 lines.
a.- ?