Foem. Fulvum, robustum ;
caput sordide albidum, fusco bistrigatum,
vertice antico hexagonali ; antennae nigrae ;
prothorax carina bene
determinata, plagis pustulisque albidis ;
tibiarum posticarum spinae
albidae rufo cinctae apice nigrae ; alae anticae
cinereae, corpore
longiores, maculis guttisque plurimis antemediis
pallide fuseis, strigis
postmediis obscure fuscis ; alae posticae
cinereae, nigro venosae.
Female. Tawny, slout.
Head dingy whitish above and on each side ;
a brown oblique streak proceeding from each side
of the bind border of the
vertex, of which the fore part is hexagonal ;
front with four well-defined
keels, the inner pair parallel, the outer pair
diverging towards the face.
Eyes ferruginous, elongate-elliptical. Antennae
black. Prothorax with a
well-defined dorsal ridge, which is notched by
the transverse impressed
!ines ; fore border slightly rounded ; sides
nearly straight ; hind border
rounded ; sorne whitish patches on each side of
the fore part and sorne
small white pustules on the hind part. ProsternaI
spine straight, direct.
Hind femora as long as the
abdomen, a little longer than the hind tibiae ;
spines of the latter stout, whitish, red in the
middle part, black towards the
tips. Fore wings cinereous, a Iittle longer than
tbe body, with many
antemedial pale brown spots or dots, and with
several short postmedial
dark brown streaks along the veins ; veins tawny.
Hind wings cinereous,
slightly darker along the costa, with a short
broad brown streak, which
proceeds from near the end of the interior border
to the disk ; veins black,
pale testaceous towards the base. Length of the
body 28 lines ; expansion
of tbe fore wings 66 !ines.
a. St. Jago, South