GLADIATOR, Westw. (Pl. 17, fig. 1).
virescente parum tincta, capite tincta in rostrum
(prothorace duplo longius) pro-
ducto, antennis rostro brevioribus gracilibus,
alis hyalinis vix incoloratis, abdomine
longissimo, pedibus 4 anticis brevissimis.
Long. corp. (rostro incl.) unc. 3 1/2 ; long. capitis unc.1,
ante oculos unc. 3/4. Expans. tegm.
unc. 3 3/4.
Habitat Sierram Leonam. In Mus. D. Hope.
This is a giant in the genus Opsomala, being
nearly twice as long as the largest described
species. It is entirely of a luteous brown colour
slightly varied with darker brown, with a paler
oblong patch on each side of the upper surface of
the prothorax. The head is produced into
a rostrum nearly three-fourths of an inch long,
its upper being nearly continuous with
the disk of the head, and gradually narrowed from
the eyes to the tip ; the upper surface flat
along the middle, but with the sides towards the
eyes deflexed ; the under surface of the
rostrum forms a very sharp edge, and is slightly
curved, the tip being obliquely truncate.
The eyes are oval and slightly elevated ; the
antennae are placed at the base of the lateral
channel which extends from the base to the apex
at the sides of the rostrum ; they are slender,
filiform, and not so long as the rostrum. The
prothorax is slightly rugose, with the dorsal
carina scarcely elevated, and with three
transverse very slight impressed lines across the
of the back. The tegmina are narrow, not so long
as the abdomen, with the apex almost
rounded ; they are of a pale luteous-brown
colour, with the veins varied with darker brown ;
the wings are almost colourless ; the middle of
many of the cells is, however, rather clouded
with a tinge of pale brown. The abdomen is very
compressed and shining, with the anal ap-
pendages whitish. The four fore legs are very
short, and the hind pair are scarcely longer
than the abdomen ; the femora terminating on the
outside in an elongated spine. The pro-
sternum is armed with a short spine, and the
meso- and metasternums are broad.
Nº V.- 1st JANUARY,